

このページは 中小企業・経営研究所要覧outline|大阪経済大学 の電子ブックに掲載されている5ページの概要です。


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はじめにPREFACEUniversity of Economics. ISBR also encourages individual researchers to advance their ownoriginal projects. ISBR promotes quality and diversity of small business studies.ISBR supports small business studies especially in Kansai region. ISBR considers regionalstudies important since it provides a source of diversity in research programs. Academicinteractions with oversees researchers are encouraged, because ISBR believes that quality ofresearches cannot be maintained without such interactions. Any researches easily stagnate unlessfresh stimuli and serious reflections are provided in academic interactions. Academic exchangeswith non-academic people, such as public administrators and business managers, are alsoencouraged. ISBR contributes to the society at large by providing an arena of knowledge and itsinterchanges.ISBR actively collects materials related to small business studies, business administration,industrial structure studies and others. Referencing and coping services are provided. ISBRcollection of materials is highly appreciated among researchers and it contributes to theadvancement of research activities in various academic societies.5