Business School & Research Centers
Business School
Kitahama Campus
Education programs by business experts are offered focusing on practical business skills to meet the educational needs of the general public.
The Kitahama Campus was established in 2005 based on the partnership between OUE and business circles.Taking advantage of its location in Kitahama, a financial center in Osaka, the Campus' curriculum includes lectures by professionals who play key roles on the business frontline. Learning in a location surrounded by active financial institutes and corporations helps students learn not only business-related know-how and theory, but also the practical sense and knowledge to become competitive in today's society.
Reserch Centers
To Contribute to Society Using OUE's Advanced Academic Activities and Research Results
Two Research Centers of OUE have conducted real-time research and analysis on economic and business trend changes over time. It is a mission of OUE to contribute to society by using knowledge it has developed through such research activities. To that end, we are releasing our research results at academic conferences, organizing joint academic research by businesses and academic institutes, and working on a wide range of activities ; including support programs to revitalize regional economies.
Institute for Research in Economic History of Japan
Opened in 1933, mainly by Dr. Iwao Kokusho, the first President of OUE, and Dr. Eiji Honjo, the Institute has operated as a center for historical research on economics and businesses. Its achievements include publications, workshops and seminars. In 2003 it was designated as an Open Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Institute of Small Business Research and Business Administration
Established in 1963, mainly by Dr. Keizo Fujita, to promote research and the study of small businesses and corporate management. Its publications include Small Business Quarterly and Business Economy, and the compilation of specialized research reports. Its collection of research literature and other publications is one of the largest in Japan.
CALBEC (Community Action and Local Business Enhancement Center)
To facilitate cooperation with local communities so as to revitalize regional economies CALBEC was opened in 2004 to facilitate cooperation with local communities to revitalize regional economies. As a university center open to society, it has worked to organize learning sessions and to present policy suggestions based on partnerships between businesses, governments and educational institutes. On-site education programs such as fieldwork and volunteer activities by students have also been frequently conducted to support local communities. The Center will extend its efforts beyond Osaka to other regions in Japan and Asian countries.
Business Administration / Law Information Center
To provide management and legal expertise to business society, the Business Administration/Law Information Center was established in 2004 to support businesses and citizens who need information related to business administration and law. In partnership with its member corporations, the Center holds regular research sessions on specific issues with the participation of OUE faculty members, Graduate School students, lawyers, judicial scriveners, tax accountants, estate surveyors and other experts from outside. The Center also releases information, holds seminars and provides support for students in specific areas.
Center of Clinical Psychology
To provide mental care to citizens based on its research results
The Center of Clinical Psychology was opened in April 2006 as a specialized institute to provide counseling service to citizens. Qualified clinical psychologists, including those from the OUE faculty, are working to provide counseling and mental care services for citizens. The Center aims to contribute to society using research achievements of OUE and to educate professional clinical psychologists.