
2019年にカナダのヨーク大学と締結したインターンシップ協定に基づき、International Internship Programを実施し、インターンシップ生2名(Lucas Marazziさん、Rishia Santiaguelさん)を受け入れました。
本プログラムは、5月9日から7月12日までの約2カ月間にわたって実施されました。主な取り組みとしては本学の学生および教職員を対象とした英会話教室で講師を務めました。その他にも、複数のゼミ演習や講義の受講、カナダやヨーク大学の紹介プレゼンテーション、さらにはアジア圏の学生が多く集ったHorizon Summer Programにも参加する等、学内外での活動も多く実施しました。



Lucas Marazzi さん

Before coming to OUE, I didn’t have many specific goals. I wanted to explore teaching English as a second language, and to better understand education. After finishing the program, I am happy to say that this program has given me plenty of experience and perspective, which I hope to carry with me in my career.


Rishia Santiaguel さん

At the beginning of my internship term, my main goal was to seek challenges and new experiences that would serve to strengthen my skills as a teacher and as a leader. I can confidently say that I was able to accomplish this goal with the help of my colleagues and peers, who provided me with opportunities to challenge my preconceived notions of teaching and learning.



Lucas Marazzi さん

I think OUE is a wonderful school with a tight-knit community. The staff, students, and professors have all been incredibly kind and supportive. While it might be difficult for students to be put in a difficult situation like speaking English, so many of them gave it their full effort, and pushed themselves to improve. I’m very proud to have worked with such a friendly and passionate group of students.

大阪経済大学は、コミュニティの絆が強くて素晴らしい学校だと思います。スタッフ、学生、教授陣の皆さんがとても親切で協力的でした。英語を話すという難しい状況に置かれることは学生にとって大変かもしれませんが、多くの学生が全力で努力し、英語力の向上に取り組んでいました。このようなフレンドリーで情熱的な学生たちと一緒に働けたことを非常に誇りに思います 。

Rishia Santiaguel さん

OUE is an environment that fosters growth, providing all students with opportunities and the necessary support to achieve their career goals. Working with OUE’s students and teaching them English through formal lessons and casual conversations has been an immense pleasure. Their kindness and efforts are demonstrated through their actions and words, and I complete my internship with a thankful heart.

